With 40 years of experience, SOLROC’s service offering to its clients includes services ranging from geotechnical studies and legal expertise to technical investigations and civil engineering.

Box of rock sharks taken by coring in a borehole. A description of the rock will be made in the laboratory by a geologist.
Geotechnical studies
Geotechnical studies, based on the principles of soil and rock mechanics, are performed on commercial and construction project sites, as well as on residential, industrial and/or existing structures, as per the requirements of the National Building Code or the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual. These studies will help to:
- Perform data collection activities through surveys, penetrometer, Nilcon vane apparatus, Menard pressure meter, MASW seismic profile, etc.
- Complete laboratory testing on soil and rock samples
- Document a description of soil and rock
- Assess the bearing capacity (SLS & ULS) of soil and rock
- Determine the location category relative to seismic risk
- Determine the mechanics of soils and rocks
- Conduct a study on slope stability for construction projects in areas at risk of landslides
- Plan infrastructure work such as storm or sanitary sewers, aqueducts, bridges, viaducts, retaining walls, dams, roads, parks, parking for light and heavy traffic, etc.
- Manage installation work of drainage systems for buildings and parking areas

Geotechnical drilling carried out inside an existing building with a GeoProbe type drill. These drillings make it possible to determine the nature and geotechnical properties of soils.
Foundation engineering
SOLROC provides a consulting service providing expertise with:
- Special foundation systems for construction projects located in difficult terrain. This is done in close collaboration with a team of architects, engineers, contractors as well as with municipalities and building owners.
- Sizing piles and micro piles, caissons, rafts or conventional strip foundation, etc.
- Investigations for reasons and causes of deterioration, degradation and deficiencies of building foundations and structures.