SOLROC possesses all the necessary qualifications and resources to carry out façade inspections of 5 storey and higher buildings with respect to the new regulations introduced by the RÉGIE DU BÂTIMENT DU QUÉBEC.
Inspection required
Property owners of buildings consisting of 5 storeys or higher are required, since 2013, to have the facades of their building inspected by a competent professional every 5 years in order to identify any actual or potential dangerous condition(s).
Our engineers are qualified and possess the required experience to assess the condition of a variety of building façade types, whether they consist of concrete, masonry, metal, glass, or a combination of all these materials. Where required, the concrete façade is sounded and, when possible, any loose elements are removed at the time of the inspection in order to prevent the risk of falling elements.

Thermographic expertise to determine the heat loss of a building.

Facade inspection in accordance with the requirements of Law 122 (RBQ).
Team work
Our firm works strictly with lifting equipment suppliers and contractors that are specialized in concrete and masonry repair work. This allows us to evaluate various types of buildings and to carry out exploratory openings and testing required within the evaluation process.
Detailed verification report
At the completion of the study, you will receive a detailed verification report that can be included in the registry required by the RÉGIE DU BÂTIMENT DU QUÉBEC. The report will include our observations on the condition of various building façade elements as well as our recommendations to remediate any deficiencies noted, if necessary.
All the noted deficiencies will be professionally presented on an elevation drawing of each façade included in the annex to the report.