Building inspection services offered by SOLROC include...
Inspection of the exterior and interior
The inspection of the exterior and interior portions of the building are carried out in order to determine whether the following elements are in acceptable condition and whether minor or major deficiencies and/or deteriorations are present:
- the roof
- the facades
- the basement and building foundations
- parking areas
- mechanical and electrical systems
- elevator systems
- fire suppression systems
- common areas, and
- all paved areas

Expertise to determine the concrete condition of the structural slab of a loading dock.

Expertise to determine the concrete condition of a municipal pool.
The preparation of a replacement reserve fund
The preparation of a replacement reserve fund including preliminary cost evaluations are generated in order to identify areas where capital expenditures may be anticipated in the short term (1-2 years), medium term (3-6 years), and long term (7-10 years) with regards to repairs and/or replacements of major building elements.
Expertise on buildings subject to hidden or visible defects
We have expertise regarding buildings subject to hidden or visible defects, buildings with building envelope or foundation deficiencies or having deficient construction materials, building elements damaged by de-icing salts or sulphation reactions caused by pyritic granular fill and/or aggregates.
Humidity readings
We take ambient humidity readings and humidity readings in materials such as wood, concrete, and gypsum in order to evaluate the ability of a substrate to adhere to a finishing material and to evaluate the probable origin of the deficiencies present in the materials.
Sounding of the building envelope
Sounding of the building envelope by infrared thermography carried out by a certified member of the INFRARED TRAINING CENTER.